Monday, April 8, 2013

Why We Do What We Do.

No one has asked me why I've chosen to treat Emily's cancer.  Well at least no one has been brave (or stupid) enough to ask me to my face...  Here is why I've chosen to fight Emily's cancer.

This is the pure joy that has been part of Emily's life for as long as I can remember.  She destroyed one other duck when she was a pup but she's had this one ever since.  How may dogs have a 9+ year old toy!?

Here is another reason why I've made this choice for Emily. 

For those of you who don't know I lost my last 2 dogs to cancer.  In both cases it was hemangiosarcoma which has a poor prognosis even if caught early.  I lost Willie in a matter of days and Dakota in a matter of hours. Dakota left us exactly 10 weeks before I noticed the lumps in Emily's neck.  I didn't have a choice to even consider treatment.  God wanted them home. (You'll notice in Emily's video that there is a white urn on the bookcase behind her, that's Willie.  Dakota's dark wooden urn is next to her.)

I've had a wonderful furry face in my life since I was 9 years old.  There were a couple of years I was dogless and when I look back they were probably the most difficult years of my life.  Dogs just make life better.  No matter how bad your day has been, no matter how you feel or what's going on, having a dog to come home to, to have that unconditional love is such a gift.  My life is just more full because of the wonderful creatures who've shared it with me.  And who continue to share it with me. 

Emily is ready to go for her treatment tomorrow.  I really do think all the challenges she's faced have been related to that massive GI bleed she suffered the week before her first chemo treatment due to the introduction of Prednisone and an Antibiotic together.  Her system was compromised and never fully recovered before we started the assault with the chemo.  She could end up with chronic Irritable Bowel Syndrome until this is all over.  We'll watch and treat it as necessary.  Right now she's having a nap after enjoying her pork/liver/cabbage/Hill's ND diet for breakfast number 2.

Gearing up for tomorrow's treatment,
CJ, Emily and Ollie

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