Friday, March 29, 2013

Week 6 Vincristine

Just a quick update to share how Emily is doing.  She handles her week 6 treatment of Vincristine very well.  I gave her the anti-nauseant for 2 days after her treatment.  She went off veggies, peanut butter and sardines but still ate smelts so go figure.  Today she had her multivitamin in peanut butter, she's had her ND diet every day and is eager to eat so I didn't bother giving her the Cerenia (anti nausea pill) today.  They make her very drowse and they are very expensive so I don't want to be handing them out whilly nilly! 

Yesterday she was playing with her treatball and lost her footing while in the kitchen.  I heard her whine and when I went in her 2 back legs were going in different directions and she couldn't get up.  It was very frightening to see.  Emily as a Bouvier, is a working dog and can get very focused on a task.  We have to monitor her and make sure she doesn't over do it.  She had beat herself out yesterday and was still trying to work even though her body was ready for a rest. 

One thing I have noticed now that Emily is no longer on the Prednisone is that some of the foods I thought she liked she was only eating because the Prednisone was making her ravenous.  I thought she liked pumpkin but since her Prednisone was reduced and now no longer part of her treatment, she turns her nose up at it.  Which is fine.  I only gave her pumpkin to try and regulate her bowels. 

Overall it's happy days around here.  I think the dogs may have a marrow bone to enjoy on this sunny Good Friday (I'm pretty sure the no meat rule only applies to humans!) although I may save it for Easter Sunday as we're going to brunch and may need something to entertain the dogs with after when all I can do is lay around and moan from the over eating...

Enjoying the long weekend,
CJ, Emily and Ollie

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